The moment we’ve all been waiting for… A REAL place to poop!! It may not look like much, but this custom-built unit provides a comfortable and sanitary perch to take care of daily business without the use of a shovel! π
We didn’t take any action shots of the construction because we’re down a pair of hands since Mark flew back to Florida, but we’re pretty proud of the outcome.

It’s a pretty basic start making use of pallet floors (walls to be raised sometime over the summer), but this ‘au naturale’ set-up allows us to compost our solids and divert liquids and shower run-off to a natural downhill drain for grey-water treatment. You can read more about how it works at Ecovita. We’re hoping to install a real toilet seat when we find the perfect fit- maybe one with LED lights, or one of those famous Florida seashell varieties!
This unglamorous little chore was on the top of the priority list and it feels SO good to now have a sense of normalcy as we start to adjust to our new daily routine. Still much to do to continue with unpacking and organizing, setting up a water catchment system for the summer rains, and weatherizing to live with winter snows, but we are absolutely loving every minute of it! Thank you all for following, and we love your comments!!
And, we haven’t fought once!! ;P
We have a metal seat for our special guests!!
It’s crazy wonderful, Nic!! We even had to practice a little field first-aid during the yurt-raising… I nearly had to get out my needle and thread for the poor guy (who shall remain nameless). Everyone has put their blood, sweat, and tears into this, and I hope it shows. We are so grateful!! Lots of love!
When are you coming to visit?
It’s really the little things in life… I feel very fortunate, actually.
It’s been so fantastic to read and watch your progress…. how cool to see your vision come to life! I’m so happy for both of you. Love you so much!
Your gonna freeze you ass off !!
You guys are moving right along!!!
There is something about having a toilet seat that makes one feel civilized! What a perfect view from your perch too! Way to go guys!
Even worse–she makes me watch!! π
Do you make Ben cover his eyes while you go?? ππ