Following through on his threats, our friend Mark showed up from Florida for a long weekend to put in the 12′ x 18′ deck for his little yurt that is due to arrive in early October. In customary fashion, we managed to get the loaded-down HD rental truck stuck in the mud on the way in after the fast-moving rain showers rolled through on Friday afternoon. We walked in for the night and got back to unloading in the morning after the road had dried a bit. (We managed to get the rental truck back to the store Saturday afternoon with ten minutes to spare and no additional penalty!)
The build itself went off without any major glitches after that since we were under the expert direction of Ben’s lumberman dad Terry. The early fall weather was mild and clear over the the next two days, and Terry had us set-up with the pillars, girders, and joists before he left on Sunday at noon (here is a link to Terry’s plans and material list). The decking was nearly complete by the time the sun went down on Sunday, and we finished up first thing Monday morning.

The site is about 100 yards down the hill from the big yurt and facilities, so we had quite a workout going up and down to load the materials and tools in and out. This operation gave us just a glimpse of what we’ll be facing next year when we’ll be building the twice-as-big deck for the Super Ger. Terry excluded, we had never built anything quite as elaborate so this project was a great confidence-booster and provided a very valuable learning experience. We now anxiously anticipate seeing our Groovy Yurts friends in a few weeks for some more yurt fun, and it will be great having our long-time neighbor next door again!
Lil sis is welcome any ol time!!! <3 <3 <3
AWESOME!!!!!!!!! I hope the guest Yurt is big enough for a little sister! Yipeeeeeeeeee
so cool, luv your place Mark
The Milky Way and stars are just amazing out here!!
Thanks Misty!! Great idea!!
Wherever you want!!
I’ll bet the view of the Milky Way is over the top! Are you watching the ISS passes too?
I see a new business in the horizon for you and Ben – DYI Yurt Consultants. Take care!
Where will my yurt go? I need to be close to el bãno