We’ve had a couple of weeks to settle in now to the new routine upon the big deck. It’s been longtime in coming since we endured a mud-laden summer, fall, winter, and spring in our old roughed-out location buoyed on cinder blocks down the hill. (Quite literally, we have had to shake off our sea legs from walking upon our very poorly platform for the past 12 months.)
Moving the 20′ Super Ger took only a matter of hours in total, but it was packing and hauling all the associated contents and accessories that consumed most our days- in between downpours. (Yes, our intent was to move earlier ahead of monsoon season, but we were unexpectedly called away for some important family time.)
We started on a Friday afternoon and stayed in the tent through Tuesday night. Everything was moved out to storage in the little yurt or under the deck by Saturday night. We had the yurt taken down and had the platform on the deck before it rained on Sunday. The Ger went up on Monday and we put the floor covering in on Tuesday. The futon was loaded in first on Wednesday and we have slept better ever since!!
It’s still surreal taking in our surroundings from the vantage of this island in the sky. Of course, none of this would have taken place without the help and continued support of a few key players, and we’re pleased as punch we have a proper setting for spending more quality time with these folks and many more.

We invite you all to come on out and see it for yourself at our First Annual Sahalee Open House over Labor Day weekend- Come for an hour and stay for the week! Hit the follow button and give us your email address so we can send you a personal invitation.