Yes! We made it!! It’s just incredible- everything just as we remembered, and filling us with an electric energy. So surreal knowing that we are here to stay… Just perched on the side of a mountain with nothing but ourselves to create this whole new world and way of life.
Tag: depression
"Aren't you excited????"
That’s what everyone keeps asking… Now, it’s 24 hours away from shoving off, and I’m thinking, “If by excited you mean a complete basket case, then YES!!”
For sale: My life. All reasonable offers considered.
Eight hundred bucks brought in so far with only half the goods gone. All our worldly possessions up for grabs over the course of 3 days.
Continue reading “For sale: My life. All reasonable offers considered.”
The Crash
I guess we aren’t going anywhere now. While we weren’t upside down in our house, we felt lucky to have decent jobs, food on the table and we were surrounded by foreclosures. We may be better off than the majority at this point, but we certainly couldn’t afford to move. Well, Florida aint so bad let’s hang out a couple years and then head back to the mountains!!